Expanding Cinema: Expo 67 Reconstructions and Other Finds
Programmed by Janine Marchessault for the in/future festival.
The CinemaExpo67 Research Group has been working over many years to excavate and digitally reconstruct the multi-screen films that played at Montreal’s Expo 67.
Part of the in/future Festival of Art & Music at Ontario Place (Toronto), we’ll be presenting some of the celebrated films over three programs on Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24.
Imax was imagined by filmmakers like Graeme Ferguson and Roman Kroitor, the inventors of Imax, whose films we are screening along with some of Ontario Place’s Imax Collection produced throughout the 1970s.
The programs celebrate Canada’s cinematic heritage, as well as features new and experimental works by contemporary media artists inspired by the original event will be screened. Animation, found and decayed footage, and multi-screen performance brings the event into the 21st century.
For more information: infuture.ca
To festival tickets: infuture.ca/register
Directions and address: infuture.ca/directions
8:30-10PM Program I – Expo 67, Reconstructions and Other Finds (84 min running time)
Installation: Jenn E. Norton
Triodetic Vision
2016, Digital Video Loop 7 MIN
Vincent Vaitiekunas
1967, 70 mm digital transfer 14 MIN
We are Young
Francis Thompson and Alexander Hammid
1967, 35mm digital transfer and 6 screen reconstruction, 20 MIN
Polar Life
Graeme Ferguson
1967, 35mm digital transfer and digital reconstruction of 11 Screens, 20 MIN
Man Belongs to Earth
Graeme Ferguson
1974, Imax 20 MIN
Program II 7PM-8PM Expo 67, Reconstructions and Other Finds
Miracles in Modern Medicine/Miracles de la médecine moderne
Robert Cordier
1967, 35mm digital transfer, 20 MIN
Illustrated Lecture by Steve Palmer – Historian, University of Windsor
Program III. 8:30-10PM – Expo 67, Reconstructions and Other Finds (67 min running time)
Canada is My Piano
George Dunning
1967, 35mm digital transfer and three screen reconstruction, 7 MIN
Between Home and Dome
Vid Ingelevics
2016, Digital Video, 10 MIN
By the Time We Got to Expo
Phil Hoffman and Eva Kolcze
2015, Digital Video, 9.50 MIN
Sixes and Sevens
David Clark
2016, 3 screen-digital video, 15 MIN
Labyrinth IV
Colin Low and Roman Kroitor
1972, Imax, 21 MIN