JUNE 21 – OCTOBER 1, 2017
Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Co-curators: Lesley Johnstone and Monika Kin Gagnon
In Search of Expo 67 brings together new works by nineteen contemporary Québec and Canadian artists inspired by the most innovative, experimental and provocative dimensions of the original event, and its artistic, cultural, social and political contexts. Created in dialogue with the spirit of 1967, these works (sixteen of which are newly commissioned) highlight Expo 67’s undeniable inventiveness while challenging some of its underlying presumptions. Architecture, sound art, visual art, film and music are the poles around which this creative endeavour turns. Grounded in committed artistic and archival research, the artworks highlight the exceptional creative liberty given to the artists, architects, filmmakers and designers who took part in the original exhibition, their experimentation with state-of-the-art technology and the diverse nature of their creations. The exhibition is part of the official program celebrating the 375th anniversary of Montreal and Expo 67 – 50 Years Later.

![Image from Montréal délire [Delirious Montréal], 2017 © Stéphane Gilot](

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Upcoming Events
September 12 – October 1, 2017
These three programs celebrate Canada’s large-format cinematic heritage and bring original Expo 67 films from the pavilion archives to large screens. Presented continuously during the opening hours of the MAC in the BWR Hall. Presented in collaboration with the Cinémathèque québécoise, La Ville de Montréal, and Library and Archives Canada. A Study Day devoted to discussing the past and futures of immersive cinema, augmented and virtual reality will take place on Thursday Sept 28.

Upcoming Screenings
September 12 – 17
Le Mouvement/Motion (1967)
Dir. Vincent Vaitiekunas
70 mm digital transfer, 14 mins
Originally presented in the CN Pavilion
September 19 – 24
Conflit/Settlement and Conflict (1967)
One of two films from the Carousel Theatre at the Canada Pavilion
Dir. Michel Brault
35mm digital transfer, 2 screens, 5:15 mins
Le Canada est mon piano/Canada is My Piano (1967)
One of two films from the Carousel Theatre at the Canada Pavilion
Dir. George Dunning, Bill Sewell and Alan Ball
35mm digital transfers and 3-screen reconstruction, 4:30 mins
September 26 – October 1
La terre, patrie de l’homme/The Earth is Man’s Home (1967)
Dir. Nick and Ann Chaparos
70 mm digital transfer, 10 mins
Originally presented in the Man the Explorer Pavilion
Past Screenings
June 21 – August 6
Polar Life/La Vie Polaire (1967)
Dir. Graeme Ferguson
Eleven screens, rotating audience, 18 minutes, 35mm, colour, English/French
Originally presented in the Man the Explorer Pavilion
STUDY DAY – Thursday September 28
This program of events is presented by CINEMAexpo67, the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and the National Film Board of Canada around Expanding Cinema: Original Films from Expo 67 (Sept 12 − Oct 1), a series of screenings in connection with the MAC exhibition In Search of Expo 67 (June 21 − Oct 1). The immersive projection Expo 67 Live will be presented by the NFB on the Place des Arts Esplanade from September 18 to 30.
Pascal Grandmaison, Marie-Claire Blais (FR)
Thursday September 7, 18h
Monika Gagnon (EN)
Thursday September 14, 18h
Chris Salter, Caroline Martel, Mathieu Bouchard-Malo (EN, FR)
Thursday September 28, 18h
Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen (EN)
Sunday October 1, 16h30
The exhibition is organized with the support of Concordia University, Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, Hexagram, the Cinémathèque québécoise, Place des Arts, the Archives of the City of Montréal, the National Film Board of Canada, the National Gallery of Canada, Library and Archives Canada, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
It is part of the official programming for Montréal’s 375th anniversary and for Expo 67-50 years later.